
The governing body are a group of volunteers, who represent the various groups who have a key interest in the school, including parents, staff and community members. They care about the wellbeing of both the children and staff and contribute to, and take responsibility for, everything that the school does. They pay attention to the teaching and learning taking place and act as a critical friend who supports the school, whilst challenging and asking questions about how the school works and the standards it achieves. They monitor the progress and performance of the school in order to raise standards and achieve excellence and they provide guidance on all matters relating to the successful running of the school, including the appointment of the headteacher.

In order to perform their duties, it is helpful for the governing body to make visits to the school. This increases their first-hand knowledge and puts them in a good position to make decisions. Visits usually relate directly to the priorities identified in the school’s development plan. Visits enable governors to develop relationships with children and staff. They also provide opportunities for the governors to experience the school environment and to see the reality of how the school and classes work. Following each visit, governors are asked to report back on their findings.

Full governing body meetings take place twice per term, with the annual general meeting (AGM) being held shortly after the start of each new academic year. The governing body working in conjunction with the headteacher, produce an annual report to parents.

The governing body of Caersws C P school compromises of 10 members. They are:

CategoryNameStart Date
ChairMiss Carol RowlandsMarch 21
Vice- ChairMrs Anna JonesMarch 20
HeadteacherMiss Sarah CorbettSeptember 18
ClerkMrs Sian CanningSeptember 08
1Community GovernorMiss Carol RowlandsMarch 21
2Community GovernorMrs Joan O’SullivanApril 24
3LEA GovernorMrs Alison BatesonDecember 22
4LEA GovernorCllr Les GeorgeNovember 21
5Teacher GovernorMrs Nia DaviesSeptember 21
6Community Council GovernorMr Colin WoosnamJanuary 23
7Parent GovernorMr Richard BurrowsMay 21
8Parent GovernorMrs Anna JonesMarch 20
9Parent GovernorVacancy

All governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Body:
Mrs Sian Canning
01686 688458

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