
  • Mrs Julie Evans

  • Mrs Kellie Morris

  • Mrs Jo Hards

  • Mrs Tami Rowlands

  • Mrs Angela Davies

Cwtsh Caersws is an English medium setting using Welsh as a second language. We provide adult and child led experiences that are planned to suit children’s ages, stages and individual needs.

The leader of Cwtsh Caersws (mornings) is Mrs Angela Davies, she is assisted by Mrs Kellie Morris and Mrs Julie Evans. Whilst Mrs Jo Hards and Mrs Tami Rowlands share the leadership of Cwtsh Caersws (afternoons).

Our responsible individuals are Mrs Nia Davies (Class 1 teacher and ALNCO) and Mrs Sian Canning (School secretary).

Morning sessions run from 9.00 – 11.30am (Monday to Friday) and afternoon sessions run from 11.30- 3.30pm.

For more information about Cwtsh Caersws, please contact the school.

Cwtsh Trip to Park Hall

The children joined Class 1 to attend Park Hall Farm for their summer trip. They were very well behaved and had a lovely, fun-filled day.

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Mother’s Day Tea

Cwtsh Caersws were delighted to invite mums, nans and aunties to their Mother’s Day tea. It was brilliant to see so many visitors and the children were thrilled to welcome them.

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